
Measuring impact and efficacy to determine future direction.

Process & Program Evaluation

Conducted a process evaluation of the Project imPACT intervention. Project imPACT aimed to increase antiretroviral therapy adherence among HIV-positive individuals, following their release from prisons in Texas and North Carolina. Produced logic model to describe the intervention and identified indicators and evaluation questions to assess each program component. Used SAS and qualitative methods to analyze data.

Summary of reminder text messages evaluation. A Process Evaluation Analysis of Project imPACT. Noronha, Perry, Pritchard, Salomon & Speener, 2018.

Plan Evaluation

Experience applying Godshalk and Kaiser’s typology, Berke’s methodology, and the American Planning Association’s evaluation guidelines to a range of plans.

Berke’s evaluation protocol applied to Fort Collins and Orange County comprehensive plans. Developing a Comprehensive Plan. Durfee, Johnson, Salomon & Yeung, 2016.